2013年8月8日 星期四

20130807 - 奮興會

《複雜世界,徹底愛心(7) - 傲慢乃軟弱的記號》(林前13:4-7)
講員:Dr. Ajith Fernando (斯里蘭卡青年歸主協會教導總監)

Love does not boast
Boasting does not equal to sharing our victories
"Joy is incomplete until it is shared"
(林前12:26, 羅12:15)
Must know who, what and how to share
Not sharing may be selfish, but how about boasting? - Trying to show that we are better, even in testifying
Talking about our background (family, qualifications, positions or titles)
=> make others unhappy because they may be still suffering
=> should be more sensitive to others

不聽到別人的問題,只看到神已你所做的工作?? 見證需令人感到有盼望,而不是沮喪

"We cannot not show how clever we are AND how wonderful Jesus is AT THE SAME TIME."
Hard to know whether sharing or testifying becomes boasting (但還是能夠可以向神悔改、原諒)

Literally "Puffed up": 自高自大
Christians are always nothing, but some of them pretend to be something
How arrogance expose itself? Looking down on others!
Not only a problem shared by the rich but also by the poor
Jesus life overturned: from poor family, Egyptian refugee
Is HE worth to be your partner? (No?) But HE is the greatest!

(林後5:14-17) => 從此以後不憑血氣、財富認人
我們好或不好,在神眼前都是一樣 => 已得「恩典」這最大的財富
=> 人人一樣,也就不得自誇,貶低別人

驕傲在敗壞以先,狂心在跌倒之前 (箴16:18)
(彼前1:5) 憑愛支取神的能力,因信蒙神保守
(林前10:12) 驕傲 => 無安全感 => 論斷 / 犯罪
(太7:1) 「識話人唔識話自己??」

恩典讓我們有力量服侍人 (servanthood)
今世代教會恃著有神而驕傲 (好「串」)?
我們必須證明Servanthood & Lordship can come together -《meekness and majesty》(順從 + 威嚴)
(可10:45,約13:13) 耶穌的榜樣 - 知道自己尊貴的身份,但願意用僕人的樣式服侍
要以基督的心為心 (腓2:5-11)
Nothing is below our dignity, because grace gives the strength for us to be humble.

When you are humble, you always want to lift other people up (抬舉別人)
e.g. Paul lifted up Timothy, because Barnabas lifted up Paul.
We are in an upside-down kingdom!
在神國度,偉大的人幫助低微的人 (做公關) !?
=> 他們必定建立別人 (又相信神必定會建立自己)


