2013年8月7日 星期三

20130806 - 奮興會

《複雜世界,徹底愛心(6) - 得勝嫉妒》(林前13:4-7)
講員:Dr. Ajith Fernando (斯里蘭卡青年歸主協會教導總監)

(Love, not envy) Envy is also very common in churches?
Because someone has gifts that others are jealous about. (哥林多教會也是如此)

Envy comes from an attitude
Envy to other people => competition
Want to win over them, and want them not to succeed

Children facing constant comparison when growing => permanent scars
They cannot enjoy their successes
Envy becomes a personality => unhappy person

(You deserve a role but you don't get it?
You deserve to be mentioned for honor but don't receive it?
In equal positions but others are privileged?)

原生父母不斷把你跟其他人比較 => 你也會把你的兒女跟其他人比較
=> 很難撇棄這行為

Solution: understand yourself from Bible => not to be tricked by anyone
The most important point is that we are children from our God.
(約一3:1) 我們得稱為神的兒女 => 神以我們為榮!
我們以神、神的道為樂,但神也以我們為樂 (詩35:27, 149:4, 149:11, 番3:17)
Just like parents very proud on their children
But very difficult to convince people about this because they always hear the opposite from the others

(I don't know if I have thought of God when I was unconscious, but I hope He always thought of me.)

Praise to God: this is also how we should treat others => always praise
because praise completes (joy and) relationship between us
雅歌 => 讚賞自己的伴侶
=> Praise is the discipline and lifestyle of Christian

We envy because we are not affirmed, but God says everyone is unique
Understanding and accepting yourself is a lifelong task

A. Through saturating ourselves in the Word
例:(林後5章) 我們是神的使者
Also through Christian songs, scriptures go into our heart


B. Through the Holy Spirit (羅8:15-17)
From everyday life, from church, our needs are met and we are healed

People only focused on their misfortune?
These things only make them become unhappier and angrier
=> prevents them to enjoy God's richness

C. Through lingering the presence of God
(詩34:5) - use pray to experience, share problems with God

=> 嫉妒的源頭
=> 常常都很忙
=> 不能自拔,因為怕感到空虛
=> 進入虛幻的現實 (virtual reality) 中
=> 不放走自己的工作、職位、身邊的人
身分從服侍而來? 不,是從神而來!

D. Through the Work He has given us to do
(弗4:7) "metron" => metrics => all gifts are tailored
(林前12:11) 恩賜分派給別人 => 人人都有自己要作的工 => 每人都是同樣重要

So don't let anyone look down on you (if they do so, don't trust them)
(講員自己的見證? 14歲時就立志做傳道人 => 慢慢發現自己有這方面的恩賜
=> 終於明白 "自己是神的兒子" 是甚麼一回事)

(否則於神有虧損!) => 不要再話自己不重要! 不要再望別人,神指著的是你!

E. Through the community God has given us
=> 屬靈父母的出現
=> 發現自己是可被接受的 => 重新發現自己被神接納

(提前1:18) 基督徒要懂得互相欣賞! 要看別人比自己強
=> 不是視他們為威脅,而是坦然承認別人比自己好
(羅12:10, 21) 尊重 => 更尊重;以善勝惡

還有不能放下的情緒? 為他們得著更多恩典祈禱
=> 他們成功也與你有關!
=> 能夠因為在同一隊工中而歡喜快樂


