2015年1月22日 星期四

Hymnology 13

但以英語崇拜的聖約翰座堂卻選用1997年版的《Hymns Ancient and Modern New Standard》:


Christians have in their hearts a song, and hymns have been vehicles of the instinct for praise and worship by the congregation. They belong by nature to the people of God, and more to the laity in the nave than to the clerks in the choir. At times ecclesiastical authority has been anxious about the words and the popular doctrines they may convey. Musical authority has been anxious that among the melodies enjoyed by congregations some have not been the noblest to offer to either God or man. Yet not every great Christian poem makes a good hymn, and not every chorale by J. S. Bach can be safely enjoyed by a lay congregation. A good hymn-book is necessarily an endeavour in high democracy. The lifetime of a hymn is one which congregations decide by an unconscious process. But a fine melody must have shape, and a good hymn's rhythm need not invariably be four square to be taken to heart.

Hymns Ancient and Modern was first published, in a full music edition, in 1861, and rapidly achieved a success which astonished its first editors. The book has received various supplements and new editions since that time. To the first revision of 1875 a supplement was added in 1889. A new edition of 1904 did not oust the earlier revision, which in 1916 was enlarged with a second supplement. The standard edition of 1922 did better but has been replaced since 1950 by the far-reaching revision in the now generally used Hymns Ancient and Modern Revised. This 1950 edition introduced twentieth century matter in both words and music, and cut out many hymns which had not been used much or were losing favour. In both words and music the 1950 revision remains a strong hymnbook. Nevertheless after three more decades there is again need for reappraisal.

Two supplements to the 1950 book have appeared: 100 Hymns for Today (1969) and More Hymns for Today (1980). Both books have been widely used in English-speaking churches. They make available a selection of the modern hymns written during the past thirty years, during which there has been a lively flourishing of the art of hymn-writing. These supplements have also tried to fill gaps in Ancient and Modern Revised.

The classical hymns that constitute the core of Hymns Ancient and Modern and its Supplements are presented in this volume. When the first edition of 1861 appeared, a few critics disliked the modern part of that book; but some of the best hymns which were modern in 1861 have achieved a permanent position, and they are here now. But the 1950 volume retained many hymns that have been shown, by a careful survey, to be used today little or not at all. These are omitted. Some tunes which are seldom used have been replaced, and some alternatives have been added. A few revisions in the words and music are made, but so far as possible the present book is designed to be usable side by side with the 1950 revision. Hence each hymn has not only its number in the natural sequence of this book, but also a bracketed number which is that in Hymns Ancient and Modern Revised and its Supplements. The music of several hymns has been printed in a lower key to facilitate congregational use.

English liturgies of the 1980s provide prayers using both the 'Thou' and the 'You' form in address to God or Christ. It has seemed unnecessary to rewrite classical hymns to conform to the 'You' form. Experience suggests that congregations make the adjustment to 'Thou' without difficulty. The feminist movement has also affected attitudes to some hymns. Feminine authors of the Victorian age liked to use 'brothers' where we today would normally say 'brothers and sisters'. The poverty of English vocabulary makes for difficulty. Unlike many other languages, English has only the one word 'man' to carry three distinct meanings: (a) the human race as a whole, (b) an individual human being, (c) an adult male as opposed to a woman or a boy. Some voices of feminine emancipation have come to object to the first two meanings, not to the third. But we have not thought it right to alter the words of hymns to meet this objection.

The Council of Hymns Ancient and Modern place on record their gratitude to expert advisers who have assisted in making the selection.

We believe that in this new form a book which has long been highly valued in the life and worship of Christians will continue to strengthen the life of the Church.





