2007年6月22日 星期五


Went to TaiPo to ride bikes.The sun was too hot & bright that i would suffer skin cancer very soon XDD
But the service of the restaurant which we had lunch was EXTREMELY bad.
Next time i will just stand near the door and comfort myself w/ the cold air.
The arrangement of the activity was descibed as 'not very gd'. I'm looking 4ward to the 八國高峰 meeting on 23/6.

18.30 MK 銘基, Eng. oral cand. C
Topic: Your group has to decide which activity'll be the best choice to organize in your sch. so that ur stud. can learn more abt the other countries.
Option:An int'l food day, an int'l film wek or a fashion so
As there're 2 colleagues there the time of discussion was only 5mins.

I chose film week since i dun think the other 2 can help much for the studs.
However the girl sat beside me chose food day and the other boy agreed w/ her. I changed my mind vy quickly since i dun think i hv time for arguing.
I spoke often not fluent & unclear in the discussion since i hv less idea abt food day.

Present Q:Do u think hk is an int'l city? Why?
I agreed. Hopefully i hv a lot of reasons to support my view and i distributed them in a clear way and i only used abt 5x secs. I hope i hv impressed the markers.

When i heard the boy said '...broaden my horizontals', i presented a strange expression to him.

Finally the CE ends la~~~ I can do wt i wanna do now!

